Disability Mobility Grants

Disability mobility grants are available under two schemes,

The housing Adaption Grant for People with a Disability;                          https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/housing/housing_grants_and_schemes/housing_adaptation_grant_for_people_with_disability.html 

This scheme has grants available from €4,350 with a household income of €60,000,and up to a maximum grant  €30,000,if the household income is less than €30,000.To apply you need to contact your local authority.


The second is the Mobility Aids Scheme ;


Under this scheme,grants are available for households with a income of less than €30,000.

The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme provides grants for works designed to address mobility problems in the home, such as the purchase and installation of access ramps ,a level access shower, and grabs rails for the bathroom.















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